To Diet or Follow a Healthy Eating Plan


HEP - Healthy Eating Plan, I want to get fit and healthy and look better and lose weight HEP – Healthy Eating Plan

An all too common myth is that dieting, no matter the method, will make you healthy. Losing weight can be approached from two directions: the healthy and the unhealthy way. Making long term lifestyle choices will help you lead a healthy lifestyle, lose weight and get you to your healthy weight range while short term crash diets will set you up for failure.

As a Personal Trainer I am often faced with the topic of Nutrition and planning it. Rightfully so, as I believe it plays about a 70% role in the contribution towards the health and aesthetic goals you are looking to achieve. The saying: “You are what you Eat”, really rings true for me as our bodies are one of the most high performance, complex machines ever given to us. You wouldn’t just put any old oil or fuel in a Ferrari would you, well why then don’t we treat…

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half the time, double the benefits; The 3-2-1 workout

Crossfit Tabata

Frontdive Fitness

Generally I love to put my clients through a tabata on Tuesdays but I figured why not on Thursdays.  Tabata Thursdays does not have quite the same ring to it as tabata Tuesdays but regardless of the day, tabata’s are an extremely effective way to train.  For those of you who are not familiar with tabata, tabata is a training protocol invented by a Japanese coach who was comparing the results between moderate intensity interval training and high intensity interval training.  He concluded that the high intensity level improved his subjects aerobic system as well as their anaerobic systems and hence the tabata was born.  A tabata is 20 seconds of hard, high intense work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a cycle of 8 rounds.  The goal is to go as hard as you can for the 20 seconds and rest for the 10 with the possibility of…

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Give this 12 Round Challenge a try:)


This morning I took up a challenge given to me by fit blogger Owen who blogs on Voxifit. This workout definitely motivated me and although it was challenging, it was fun! Here’s the workout Owen gave me:

12 round challenge!


After warming up on the treadmill for about 20 minutes, I completed 4 rounds of the challenge at a decent pace. The first 4 rounds took me 10 minutes even. I took a 1 minute break to get some water, then headed into the next 4 rounds, trying to beat my time. The next 4 rounds took 9 minutes! I slashed my time by a whole minute, just by doing the moves a bit quicker. My legs started getting pretty tired after this round. I gave myself another minute break and headed into the last 4 rounds. I was successful in beating my time of 9 minutes, and complete my final 4…

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I walked around the block 10 x today!  No one will ever know, but you…


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health: inspiration: alfred brendel
