Fitness Motivation – Take Control of Your Life

With the new year around the corner comes new years resolutions. These days every fitness website has something to do about new years resolutions. Its all very well to tell people what they “should” do, but, at the end of the day it is up to us.

You can take a horse to the river but you cannot make it drink

A change in your life will only happen when YOU decide to TAKE CONTROL.

If you are looking to make a change then read my post – Make A Change to See A Change.


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Fitness Motivation_Take Control of your life now

Fitness Motivation Tip – Replace Can’t with Can

Let’s be honest, staying motivated is not easy. We are constantly bombarded by negative thoughts especially at the first sign of failure.

A lot of people don’t think they can change. These people often believe that the inner voice that says “I can’t” or “I’m not good enough” isn’t being negative but is simply realistic. It isn’t. It’s you projecting your habit of being negative. A negative person will look at others who are successful and happy and say, “They’re just lucky.” They’re not just lucky. They’ve worked diligently for a long time to get where they are. They had a certain mentality that drove them to do what they did. You, too, can call up that drive and you can change.

Don’t let previous bad experiences hinder you. Maybe you weren’t the most athletic kid in school, but that was years ago. Your goal now is to exercise , stay healthy and enjoy your life.

Only you can make the change. Only you can replace the word “Can’t” with “Can“.

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Clear Your Mind Of Cant

Make it Happen

In order to achieve big things in your life, you must be willing to think big. You should dream big and envision your goals to make them happen. Achieving your targets and goals is best achieved when you can imagine every detail of what it is you want to achieve.

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Fitness Motivation - Make it happen now. Lose weight and get fit now.

Make it Happen

New Years Resolutions

The new year is just around the corner and that means new years resolutions. The 3 new years resolutions i hear all the time are:

  1. I am going to start a diet
  2. I am going to start exercising
  3. I am going to stop smoking

Now, out those 3 which one  is achieved? ….NONE!. Do you agree or not?

Honestly it amazes me at how people “wait” for the right time to start a fitness program. It’s been said that as long as we are looking for an excuse we will always find one. In my experience, most people understand that starting a fitness program is  something they should do, however there always seems to be something getting in their way.

Here are the top 4 reasons for not working out, that i hear all of the time, and my replies when i hear them:

  1. Gym is expensive – My reply “It costs nothing to workout at home”.
  2. I’m too tired – My reply “Exercise is proven to boost energy levels and attitude”
  3. It’s boring – My reply “Well its a fact that if you don’t enjoy something you won’t stick with it. There are plenty of other activities you could do. Take up dancing, zumba, basketball, cycling etc.”
  4. I am too busy – My Reply ” Well it comes down to your goals and priorities. If you really really want to be fit and healthy then it has to become a priority. Only if you really want it will you make the time and effort. Schedule a workout time in your calendar and plan your days. Step out of your comfit zone and make it work for you”

If we are looking for excuses we will find them. Always. Stop looking for excuses and go get fit.

What ever new years resolution you have, start doing it today. Do it for yourself:)

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Fitness Motivation - A year from now you'll wish you had started working out today.

Start Working Out Today